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ABA Academy offers a unique  hybrid learning which is premised on technology and is inline with the UK education system.  Regardless of your geographical location, ABA intends to deliver to you live sessions of both individually tailored or  group learning. Students are issued  logging details of classes and subjects they are enrolled on and can join in from anywhere in the world on their given slots to access live teacher support, learning materials ,  submit homeworks, receive feedback and interact with  tutors and fellow students. Students in Mogadishu can attend our centre at  . 


Our students include both school age pupils and those pursuing tertiary education. We have students from all around the world ,accessing our academic and vocational courses.

Our Teachers  

Our tutors either hold qualified teacher status in the UK or hold degree level in the subjects they teach. They are vetted and are head hunted based on their competency,  love for teaching and  hunger  for student development.


ABA's mission is to enhance the quality of education of Somali pupils and bring best of  British  education to those who are not physically present in the UK.

What Pupils And Parents Say About Us

Being away from the UK and not being able to attend a school has been stressful especially going into year 11. But ABA's ever present support and willingness to help with my GCSE Exam preparation has been a revelation to me. Thanks to ABA , I'm now able to access support for the same content I was learning  in my year 10 when I was in the UK.

Sumaya Ali

Waxaan aad ula dhacay fikir ah ka baro ingiriisk macalimiin British ah oo qaado shahaado la aqoonsanyahay adigoo jooga gurigaaga hooyo, markaan iska rajiistar gareeyay ABA, waxaa isoo jiitay sida aay u daneenayay in aad horumar sameyso oo eey mar walba kuu soo wacayaan casharada ka dib,

Iidle Farah


ABA waxeey ii suurta galisay in ilmahayga iyagoo ku baranaya quraan, dhaqanka iyo diinta  wadanka Soomaaliya eey sidoo kale sii wataan waxbarashadoodii ingiriiska si kala go'lahayn iyagoo la socda manhajkii eey wax ku baranayeen  iyo macalimiin wax ka dhigta Ingiriiska oo eey ilmihii dhib kala kulmeen la qabsashadooda iyo fahankooda.

Deeqa Hadafo


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